HP 3T 208/230V-1

Part Number: 4HP15L36PG
Brand: Ducane
Ducane 16G52 High-Efficiency Louvered Split Heat Pump System, 3 ton Nominal, 208/230 VAC, 1 ph, 60 Hz, 14 SEER
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  • ENERGY STAR certification means you could be eligible for state or local tax credits
  • Quiet Shift technology reduces operating sounds when the unit goes into defrost mode to remove frost and ice buildup, so you get better performance with minimal noise and less maintenance
  • Dual-fuel system offers an ideal combination of energy sources, electric and gas, pairing a heat pump and matching gas furnace together to maintain comfort
  • Powerful single-stage motor delivers years of dependable comfort and helps reduce heating costs compared to older, less efficient furnaces
  • Permanently lubricated condenser fan motor needs no annual maintenance
  • OmniGuard total corrosion protection technology helps protect against corrosive elements extending the life of your unit for years to come